Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just a little bird...

Needless to say… this past week has been hectic.… However, my best friend and I have come up with a master plan to conquer the world and continue to attempt find the meaning of life. Chipotle seems to provide the right stoner music and delicious food to discuss philosophical topics, for example: what one wants to do with the rest of their life.

Now for a moment, I’m going to be selfish, I’m not going to say what someone should say they want out of life. Family, friends, health, & happiness, are all wonderful, but as I was sitting in Chipotle with my best friend, I realized there is one thing I do want. Fame and Fortune. I’m not really sure the fame that I’m talking about is the kind of fame that figures like Lady Gaga or Bradley Cooper have. I want the kind of fame that makes things happen, the one that produces fame for others, and basks in the glory of their accomplishment to make someone else famous. When I think about it, I’m not sure if that actually is selfish at all… But I’ve decided to be honest with myself and everyone else, I want to be so good at something that I make a tremendous difference in one person’s life, but they make and even larger impact on a whole population.

Like a bird I want to be the one in the sky, flying around, overseeing everything. By most I will go unnamed, possibly completely ignored. But for those who notice the good I do, the beautiful songs I can make, they will write about me, take pictures of me, and talk about me in an unnatural manor. They will point out my wingspan and the colors of my feathers, and cherish me for the qualities I bring to the world. They will recognize that my ability to fly is not only away to escape from places where I could be harmed, but also a sign of hope. To be an example of persistence and courage to keep doing something that you feel as though God made you to do, just as wings were meant for flight. So yea, similar to a bird, my purpose in life will be to hopefully bring happiness and hope to those who feel like they have a certain purpose and want to fulfill their meaning in life.  I want to be the one that is in the background, so quite that I am almost forgotten except by those who truly know the fame and fortune that I have brought to their life. I want to be their little bit of hope and their encouragement to follow what they truly want from their life. Just a little bird whispering you can do it.

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