Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fight or Flight

Flight... "fleeing the scene" in this sense... Some people think that choosing flight is a cop out, I for one have always had a hard time determining what i would choose... I'm sure they say there's a part of your brain that does the picking for you - fight or flight - however in some cases, the heart is the decision maker. In the heat of the moment, with your adrenalin going, it's hard to determine for yourself what you do next. At times, it would be just as easy to throw my arms up and say everything that's running through my head, bad or good, truth or lie. That's the fight, me running my mouth, would be picking a fight. Whether i take a swing at you or not, the compulsive word vomit is what will get the fight started. So what is my flight? what would i do if i were to just leave the situation, does that make me look weak? Am i admitting they are right?

I feel like this simple phrase we were taught in psychology has so many "ifs" and "buts", so many exception to it. Flight is not my way of saying they won, it's not my way of agreeing or fully understanding. In a certain sense, it's my way of trying to understand the other person, to look at it from their side. Even though some of the things they said or did may have hurt me, my heart will have chosen to not blow up in their face, or deny it... Flight doesn't have to be running away, it's just the one thing someone can do that's best for their own heart, and possibly their relationships. It's the brush off and forgiveness of a stupid comment or action that you will thank yourself for down the road. 

The heart is the deciding factor because that's what truly knows how you feel about someone. If that someone is worth it, you won't make a big deal about whatever happened; yea... it may have hurt and you may second guess yourself and wonder why they would act so hurtful.  But is it worth messing up a friendship or a relationship that is irreplaceable? So like a bird, flight is essential, it's necessary,and it may not only save your face from getting a beat down and your self esteem, but it may also save your relationships with the ones that really matter.  

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