Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Internship!

Hey everyone!

Hope everyone is having a great summer! I know I am.. I recently landed a fantastic Marketing internship at Mercantile Capital Corporation! at that news is only one of the many exciting events that have happened this summer! My brother graduated high school, my family came to visit... and well yea I'd say besides the internship that's the other exciting news.

I'm writing to you today because I reread my last blog and I believe I have stayed true to what I discussed a couple months ago. maybe except for one thing... I really want to finish reading a book... Unfortunately, I've managed to start 3 and complete 0. I always seem to get upset or pissed off about a character or the plot.. Either way, I've been enjoying the company of my friends, my family, and now, some awesome co-workers.

I have only worked for Mercantile for a week but I love it! The people are wonderful, the experience is liberating, and well I love having my own little cubical! Do I plan on working in a cubical forever? ehhh... no. But this is great experience! I mainly work with social media, and send out mail, but I really do enjoy it! The one thing I enjoy the most is just being in a business setting with people that love what they do and are really good at it! Kind of makes me more confident in myself that I will be successful (sooner or later). It also helps me realize that college is amazing and i need to learn as much as I can to be the best at everything. Anyways, well that's all for now.. I'll try to post more frequently!

Thanks for reading!

Sarah Ann

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