Sunday, February 26, 2012


This afternoon I went to the most amazing place in the entire world, St. Pete Beach. I got to visit with my seagull friends, lay in the sand, and listen to the soothing sounds of the waves. I definitely haven’t had the time to relax recently. I mean, I’m a sandwich artist at Subway, I have 5 classes to worry about, I’m in a sorority, and an athletic organization on campus. Anyways, I’m a busy bee and today I took a couple hours to enjoy some “me time,” well “Steph Galvin and Me” time. I’ve realized so many things over the course of about a week and a half. I can definitely say this is the most difficult part of my life, so far anyways. It’s not in a bad way, it’s just one of those mountains I have to climb over, but recently I’ve kind of felt like an ostrich trying to fly over a 30 foot fence… For those of you who don’t know, ostrich don’t fly, so impossible is pretty much what I’m trying to get at. Anyways, over the past couple of days I have realized what some of the most important things in life are; family, friends, and happiness. I’m not really going to get into those exactly, but I want to get into how I realized that those items are important.

I worry a lot, I’ve been a worry wart my entire life.  In elementary school I refused to faint into someone’s arms during a play for fear I’d look stupid and he’d drop me; middle school, I threw up on test days; and today, I just worry about school work, friends, family and my future. Here is what I have realized; my biggest fault is worrying about the future. I’ve been so worried about what is going to happen down the road, and not just next week but like weeks, months, even years in the future.

So today is my declaration, I’m telling everyone I’m not going to worry about my future, because where I’m at right now is perfect. Yea, there are some bad days and there are some awesome days, but I’m not going to worry about anything. Today when I was on the beach, with my seagulls, I didn’t have a care in the world; I was content, but not just content, happy. Recently I’ve had two people tell me I need to focus on the present, and you know what, they are exactly right. So I my two wonderful friends that keep me the sane person I am today - you know who you are – thank you. And to all my readers, if you worry like me, try not to. It will be hard, but as I watched the seagulls roam the beach and rest in the sand, they seemed so carefree and their flight seemed effortless and that feeling would totally be worth it. Every once in a while a huge gust of wind would come a long and I would watch them fight against it. But as college students, as humans, we all have those huge wind gusts that may knock us down. But we have to be fearless, like the seagulls, and get right back up again; go on with life and try not to worry about what could happen, and let ourselves be engulfed by the sunlight, let our wings be caught by the breeze and just go with it.

Hope this helps some of you who may be going through some rough times right now. Also, the picturesI added are just 2 of the 101 photos i took at the beach today, 95 of them are of seagulls. Anyways, thanks for reading! 

Sarah Ann Weaver 

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