Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Migration Path

Well it’s been a while since I have written, and I’m not exactly sure why… so much has been going on and to tell you the truth I’m not exactly sure where to begin. I don’t know if I could explain it, but whatever happens to come out in the blog post, I promise you could be emotional, hilarious, or absolutely ridiculous. I honestly didn’t know one individual could feel so many emotions… I mean I don’t even think I can define everything that I have been feeling over the past month in just a couple of words. What I’ve decided right now, I have this path, with no direction. I don’t mean like I’m stuck at a dead end with literally no place to go. Instead, I'm traveling along this path, and I have no idea where it leads. I can’t see the temporary road closed signs, or the four way stops or whatever. I really wasn’t planning on writing using a path analogy, they are so cliché. But before I get into what I really want to say I have to ask: When a bird migrates, do they know their exact path? Do they always go the same place? Where do they want to go? Do they plan their trips OR are they as “free spirited” as they come across? Hmmm….

I’m just going to tell you, I have never been so confused in my entire life. I’m stuck in this dark spot, and not a spot that I’m sad all the time or I hide in my room and cry myself to sleep at night. A blurry spot is probably a better description. It’s like there is this feeling hanging over my head, everything that I’ve done is slowly flooding back into my most recent memories. There are many good memories that make me smile: family, old friends, new friends, cute boys, and sporting events. However, with good memories come bad ones, losing friends, ruining relationships and just trying to figure out who I am. Now I’m in this place where I want what’s best for me, because how often do I get to think about myself? I mean really… College is the only time someone can really truly focus on themselves and who they want to be. But recently I can’t see past the step in front of me, and sometimes I’m terrified to even take that step. Now that I sound completely paranoid I would like to say, I’m not afraid to leave my room and do normal things, but I feel like everything I do in my life at this moment should have a purpose. It may not be the best purpose, but there is an action and it produces an outcome. I mean, I go to the grocery store to buy food to eat, I go to the gym to look nice, I dress nice to make myself feel better and people think I’m pretty… and on and on and on….  

What am I saying? THERE IS A METHOD BEHIND THIS MADNESS CALLED LIFE. Unfortunately, if you are looking for an exact answer, this blog post won’t have it. I feel like finding a purpose to my life is an ongoing thing. But what I’m struggling with right now is: I have garbage covering my path (yep, back to the path analogy). But I’m not sure if it’s garbage I can move, or if I just need to change directions because it smells soooo bad. This blur can’t clear up until I figure out what has caused it and either embrace that, get over it, or get rid of it. My garbage could be a number of things: the apartment complex I live in, my friends, my organizations, Tampa, USF, the classes I’m taking. Most of those things have made an impression in my life and I’m not really ready to part with, except the apartment. However, I have these stains in my path that are a little harder to get up: regrets, things I haven’t done, things I want to do, and milestone events in my life, those rite of passage moments (Were they right? Did they go as planned?). Right now I’m at this point where I have to back track and figure out what has brought me to this blurred spot and take the necessary steps to get a clear confident view of my life.

Those of you who are STILL reading this, I don’t know how you managed to make it through, it’s kind of confusing. But this is just a small fraction of what I’ve been thinking about, and what has been circling through my brain. Clearly I have lots of questions that need answers and a path that needs cleaning. I’m just glad I have some people I can talk to; it’s nice to realize I’m the only one who isn’t exactly sure what’s going on in their life. I guess I don’t know the answer to my migration questions, but I hope birds never get as confused and somewhat lost as I have been (I do wonder if they panic when they get lost, or if the male birds avoid asking for directions). Either way, I’m going to try to live my life more freely, come up with some answers, but maybe try not to worry so much. To most of my readers who probably don’t have everything figured out: Find someone to talk to about it, the only reason I am actually able to write at this moment is because of Steph Galvin. Oh! Listen to some music, and when you have time, sit down and try to answer some of your own questions. But don’t talk to yourself out loud; you’ll get put away for that. 

Thanks for reading!

Sarah Ann Weaver